Upbeat findings for Arizona housing market
The median price of all home sales in metro Phoenix, including new homes, reached $120,500 in January. That compares with $113,166 a year earlier. The average price per square foot of Valley houses has climbed 3% since last year. There were approximately 8,000 new and used homes sold in January, up from 7,500 in January 2011. "Many people think there's a glut of homes the banks are hiding somewhere, and that may be the case in other markets, but not here in the Phoenix area," said analyst Mike Orr.
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The median price of all home sales in metro Phoenix, including new homes, reached $120,500 in January. That compares with $113,166 a year earlier. The average price per square foot of Valley houses has climbed 3% since last year. There were approximately 8,000 new and used homes sold in January, up from 7,500 in January 2011. "Many people think there's a glut of homes the banks are hiding somewhere, and that may be the case in other markets, but not here in the Phoenix area," said analyst Mike Orr.
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