Working hard to "CEIL THE DEAL"

Ceil Mills
HomeSmart Real Estate
Phoenix, AZ


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Friends from the North

Sounds like migrating birds! Well, snow birds. I love my new Canadian friends!

I have had the wonderful opportunity to get to know a great group of people from Calgary, Canada in the last few months. I met my first Canadian contact when Brenda stopped by an open house I was hosting, then she referred me as a Real Estate Agent to others and now my little flock of northern friends keeps growing. This week I was fortunate to meet yet another new friend! Hopefully he and his wife will be joining the Calgary Clan with their very own Hacienda here in the Valley of the Sun.

It's great to learn about how another country works, thrives and survives while I don't even have to learn a new language! Of course selling one of the couples a home on my very own street works out especially well, they invite me to happy hour and for dinner! I almost hate to add that twice I have invited my new neighbors to our home for dinner, and yet on both occasions we ended up at their house! No stuffy attitudes or presumptions, they love me just as I am. Even when I show up to dinner in my slippers!