Working hard to "CEIL THE DEAL"

Ceil Mills
HomeSmart Real Estate
Phoenix, AZ


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Red Shoes

I do believe today is a good day to wear my red shoes. Men sport red power ties, I have my red shoes.

It is amazing how a new pair of shoes can make a difference in someones countenance. Little kids will lift a foot as high as they can to show off their new shoes to anyone. The best EVER is if their little shoes light up! In Jr High and High school settings, the desired pair of designer sneakers may dictate or decide what social group teens hang with. Some adults must have designer labels on the soles of their shoes to feel validated. Of course buying them at a discount outlet is fine, they just need the label. I have been privy to conversations where women admit to judging a man immediately on the spot simply by the pair of shoes he is wearing.

Our oldest daughter appreciates her shoes. She has a closet devoted to them. They live in neat little rows and special bags and boxes under a chandelier. A plaque hangs over the door announcing "One shoe can change your life....Cinderella" For her birthday last year I found a little book that explained how you tell a woman's moods by her shoes! I do not believe my offspring worships her shoes, she appreciates them. It's not the shoes she loves, but the way they make her feel, and yes, even change her mood.

So today I will wear my red shoes. I call them my fierce red shoes. They look like cowboy boots so I will be able to tread through the bull. They have heels so I feel a tad elevated above whatever muck the day may bring. They have a fancy silver buckle because I believe that sometimes the only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize.....thank you Steel Magnolias. They are leather tooled, which brings a personal element and touch to them. And by golly they are RED! Which could be interpreted as a holiday color or sign of self confidence.

Nope, just a warning....Don't mess with me today.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I must be reading the wrong mail

As I check through my emails each day I have discovered that I must be reading the wrong mail! Everything that is urgent, important, or needs my immediate attention seems to be in my spam mail.......from Nigeria! I don't THINK I know anyone from Nigeria? Wow, but that's the spot that makes me sound so important, wanted and needed!

Ok, back to my normal friends who don't hold me in such high regard......

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Friends from the North

Sounds like migrating birds! Well, snow birds. I love my new Canadian friends!

I have had the wonderful opportunity to get to know a great group of people from Calgary, Canada in the last few months. I met my first Canadian contact when Brenda stopped by an open house I was hosting, then she referred me as a Real Estate Agent to others and now my little flock of northern friends keeps growing. This week I was fortunate to meet yet another new friend! Hopefully he and his wife will be joining the Calgary Clan with their very own Hacienda here in the Valley of the Sun.

It's great to learn about how another country works, thrives and survives while I don't even have to learn a new language! Of course selling one of the couples a home on my very own street works out especially well, they invite me to happy hour and for dinner! I almost hate to add that twice I have invited my new neighbors to our home for dinner, and yet on both occasions we ended up at their house! No stuffy attitudes or presumptions, they love me just as I am. Even when I show up to dinner in my slippers!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Deck the Halls

'Tis the season and all......I love decorating the house for Christmas, listening to Christmas Carols, writing the cards, etc. Somehow this year the days are slipping toward Christmas faster than usual and I finally got the tree decorated last night. I love my tree. After years of handcrafted ornaments made with pine cones, Popsicle sticks and pictures with toothless grins I want a "theme" tree. Something beautiful with select ornaments of my choosing. With colors of my choosing, maybe coppers and gold with jewel tones instead of red and green.

I have always felt a tad guilty over this since the kids DID make those treasures for us and my husband DOES love the idea of a "traditional" tree with the all the family ornaments through the years, with kid garland and the train circling the bottom of the tree.

As the kids have grown up they still want the house decorated, candles burning and the tree trimmed, but they don't really want to take part or extend the effort on either end of the decorating process, the set up or the re-packing for next year.

Last night pretty much helped me get over my guilt of wanting a tree MY way. It took several hours of laying things out just getting the lights, ornaments, garland etc, prepped to go on the tree in the order I like. About 3pm our youngest daughter now 19, woke from her nap, she came out and sat while I was on a ladder reaching for the top branches. I asked if she would like to help. Her comment was "No, not really." She then told me she had to get ready to go to her friends house, to help HER mother decorate their tree!

That pretty much told me everything and absolved me from all guilt I have suffered over the years. Our children don't really care WHO puts the tree up or what it looks like.

Done. Tree is up, the way I like it. My way, with my colors, and I may spite them even a little more and put singing bird ornaments on the thing!

Monday, December 1, 2008

1 December

Deck the halls, trim the tree, string the lights. While seasonal decorations begin to puke forth may we all remember the true reason for this season!

Merry Christmas my friends!

Monday, November 3, 2008

No excuses


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wise Words


During this election year let's be reminded of these words:

* You cannot help the poor, by destroying the rich.

* You cannot strengthen the weak, by weakening the strong.

* You cannot bring about prosperity, by discouraging thrift.

* You cannot lift the wage earner up, by pulling the wage payer down.

* You cannot further the brotherhood of man, by inciting class hatred.

* You cannot build character and courage, by taking away men's initiative and independence.

* You cannot help men permanently, by doing for them what they could and should, do for themselves.

Do you recognize the author?

It was Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, October 11, 2008

In these times....

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lemons or Lemonade?

Phoenix area news reports that last month lenders moved to foreclose on 7,447 homes, a new high. Valley homes foreclosed on and resold in September seem to add up to as much as 50% of the resales in September.

While this seems like more bad news or just more of the same......The good news is.....

According to Arizona Multiple Listing Service Data, 6136 homes were sold in September, the highest monthly level since August 2006!

So yes, the buyers are out there! What a great market to buy for first time homeowners and returning Veterans! And today it looks like the Feds may be reducing interest rates. Investors know that all the families that have lost their homes are needing rentals, what a great opportunity!

Remember when your Mom told you that when "life hands you lemons.....make lemonade"
This may be one of those times!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Quick Citizenship Test...Can you pass?

Can you pass it? 10 questions from the re-designed citizenship test for immigrants who want to become naturalized Americans.

1. What does the Constitution do?

2. What do we call the first 10 amendments to the Constitution?

3. Name one branch or part of the government.

4. We elect a U.S. representative for how many years?

5. How many justices are on the Supreme Court?

6. How old do citizens have to be to vote for President?

7. When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?

8. There were 13 original states. Name three.

9. Who was president during World War I?

10. Name one U.S. territory.

1. Sets up the government, Defines the government, Protects basic rights of Americans
2. Bill of Rights
3. Legislaive, Executive, Judicial, Congress, the President, the courts
4. 2 years
5. 9
6. 18
7. April 15
8. NH, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA, NC, SC, GA
(Ok, do you know your state abbreviations?)
9. Woodrow Wilson
10.Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam
(I'll give you a gold star if you know where the No Mariana Islands are!)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fun Facts about Goodyear, AZ

Below are some fun facts I learned last night at my "Citizens Academy" class for our wonderful little city presented by Joe Schmitz, a city Planning Manager in the Planning and Zoning Division of the City of Goodyear's Development Department.

*In 2003, the Goodyear city limits encompassed 117 square miles
*Since that time, Goodyear has annexed over 71 square miles
*Goodyear is over 35 miles long north to south
*Goodyear now encompasses 188.4 square miles

*Since 2000, Goodyear's population has more than tripled
*Population in 2000 - 18,911
*Population in 2008 - 58,600
*37% north of I-10 freeway
*44% between I-10 and Gila River
*19% south of the Gila River (Estrella)
*Current population is less than 10% of the population projected at build out

*Goodyear has 20,194 residential dwelling units
*Of that number, 19,311 are single family homes (95.6%)
*There are 836 multi-family units currently under construction

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A favorite thought

In this world of givers and takers
Too few are willing to give what it takes

author unknown

Monday, September 22, 2008

It's Fall in the desert

So the calendar says anyway! We still have temps just over 100* but our nights are definitely dropping. The hum of the air conditioner kicking on and off is much less also and will hopefully reflect on our next energy bill!

Yesterday morning Dennis and I left our cozy little abode here in the Sonoran Desert and within 2 hours were sitting under pine trees allowing nature to cool us down.

Payson was about 78* with breezes blowing....glorious! This state is so truly amazing in the diversity of the terrain and the wide open spaces. We continued our day trip from Payson up through Show Low (73*) and then down through the Salt River Canyon to Globe and on back to the Valley of the Sun.

Dennis commented that in California we could drive from the Ocean to the Pines in just under 3 hours.....but it was populated with cities and towns the entire drive. In Arizona so much of the state is still undeveloped and pristine in its own natural beauty. For miles we were the only truck on the road, we took our time, windows down and enjoyed ourselves. Simple pleasures!

Now back to the calendar, since today is the first day of fall I am sure we make the trip again in about 4 weeks as the leaves change. Perhaps Sedona and Oak Creek Canyon as well, more natural jewels of our state.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Metro Phoenix Home Prices Down? REALLY?

I just read an article reflecting the news that Metro Phoenix home prices are down by 23% according to a July/Aug study. The little voice in my head wanted to scream DUH!
We are all in this mess together friends, whether you are trying to sell your home or investment homes you were looking to "flip" or as a buyer watching your loan restrictions tighten.

By the grace of God many of us don't have to worry about selling just now. However the news that the home 3 doors down from you just dropped over $70k overnight does tend to send a shiver, straight down your spine to your wallet. I currently have buyers that don't want to make a move until they think the market is at the bottom and I continue to tell them that no one has the crystal ball as to when that will happen! Meanwhile the sad misfortune of short sales and foreclosures continue to load the market and traditional owner/sellers clutch their chests and hope for the best!

We will all ride this out together, bumpy as the journey may be. Remember, we live in the Wild Wild West, we are made of stern stuff and come from hardy stock! My advice is that if you know of anyone even THINKING about buying a home, now is the time........someone needs to ride this bull and win the prize!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Words I have loved since High School

I expect to pass through this life but once.
If, therefore there can be any kindness I can show or any good thing I can do
for any fellow being let me do it now...
Let me not defer it, or neglect it,
For I shall not pass this way again.

Stephen Grellet (Etienne de Grellet du Mabillier)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sept 11

We MUST never forget.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Your imagination and buying a home

In the past prospective buyers would look at homes that were "Traditional Owned" (not short sales or bank owned, owner owned so to speak) and would focus on the owners bad wallpaper or paint color. As their Agent is was my job to try to get them to use their imagination and look past the clutter, nick nacks, photos, collections, etc and see the bones of the homes. Cosmetic fixes are easy and personalize the home to your taste after you move in.

Today 90% of the homes I show are foreclosures and most often the previous owners were not always so happy when they moved.....leaving homes at best needing a deep cleaning and maybe new carpeting. The deals are out there, but buyers today must look past the furniture and trash left in the empty pools, kitchens stripped of appliances and sometimes even the counters, sink and cabinets removed!

Again I must encourage their imagination to visual what the home can become for them. What might be needed? Paint, flooring, maybe drywall patches and good 'ol elbow grease! So if you are buying your first home, maybe a second.....the deals are out there. Are you willing to look beyond what was left and what the home can become? Are you up to the challenge?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

First Time Home Buyer

How do we find our perfect new home?
Yesterday I spoke a little about interviewing/hiring your REALTOR. I just wanted to encourage first time buyers, or second, etc to make a list of your 5 or so "must haves" in a home. Make this clear to your agent. Only you as the Buyer know what is important to you.

Your list of must haves may include price, # of bedrooms, # of baths, single or 2 story, town(s) desired or more specifically the schools. Perhaps you need a home that is equipped for special needs or one that may be in an age restricted area. These first few items on the list again should be your priorities. Then we move to the extras you would like to have such as granite counter tops, a pool, etc.

Your agent will search hundreds (perhaps thousands in this market)to narrow the field and show you what you are looking for. If you cannot find what you are looking for from your initial search, your REALTOR may suggest looking outside the target area of your first choice. Be open to this as it may offer more homes that meet your criteria.

How many homes will I be shown prior to making my decision?

In our current market the inventory of homes available is huge. Another question up front is to ask your prospective Agent how many homes they are willing to show you. I have heard that some agents may offer only 6 or so and expect you as a Buyer to make a decision.

A REALTOR should be willing to work with clients until their perfect or best home is found, which could be days or even months.

I know I sure do!

Friday, September 5, 2008

First time home buyer? Where do I start?

Ever thought about buying Real Estate (maybe your first home) but don't know where to start?

Ask friends for a referral to a REALTOR that they have used. Ask them straight up if they would use that person on their next transaction. REALTORS that are worth their commissions want not only to be your REALTOR for now, but your REALTOR for life!

That's my philosophy anyway. I want a successful closing with each of my clients that leave them wanting to give my name and phone number out for referrals!

Chat with prospective REALTORS, ask questions, get some answers and once you do, ask yourself if you feel you can work with that person over the next few months. Do your personality types work together well. Some agents will want you to sign a Buyer Broker agreement with them. (this is basically an agreement saying you will employ that agent to work for you, and you will use only THAT REALTOR to represent your transaction whether you buy a New Build or pre-owned home) Remember you are hiring a professional to provide a service for you. That means you can fire them too! Prior to signing any agreement, ask if the agent has a problem voiding the agreement if things don't work out.

Home ownership is usually the largest purchase a person will make in their lifetime. Make sure you hire someone who will work FOR you and help you along the process.

Friday, August 29, 2008

If it sounds too good to be true....

I receive calls and inquiries daily from people that are interested in the homes available for 50-75k! The way the media is reporting to folks outside of the state of Arizona regarding our housing crisis astounds me. Of course things are not good, that is stating the obvious, but the inquiries I receive are sometimes completed off base! Potential clients are looking for the Scottsdale luxury homes that are being sold for pennies!

The current Phoenix area housing market does have a huge inventory of homes, many at prices that have not been seen for years. Some banks are willing to negotiate prices even lower than listed on foreclosed properties. Programs for down payment assistance are available and sellers are offering to assist with closing costs and other incentives.

That being said, when it comes to the media proclamations, do your homework. Come on people, didn't your parents ever tell you if it sounds too good to be probably is!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Moving to Goodyear, AZ

If you are thinking of moving to Goodyear, Az......I am your Resident REALTOR ready to help with information and answers about our GREAT community! Amazing home deals are available in this area!

Friday, August 22, 2008

First Time Home Buying with Ceil

First time home buying can be a very scary road to travel if you don't have a guide to help out with the hurdles, twists and turns along the way.

One of the things I enjoy most about being a REALTOR is the satisfaction I receive when I help someone else achieve their dream of home ownership. First time home buyers especially. They are so excited when a lender has approved them and now they get to go house hunting!

Step one is finding a REALTOR that you feel comfortable with since you will be in daily communication with that person. Make sure your personalities are compatible and each of you is clear on what you want. Step two is finding a lender, again, someone who will take or return your calls promptly and answers your concerns along the way. A reputable lender will find the correct loan package for you the buyer and walk you through the process. A good relationship with both of these professionals helps the home buying process go a lot smoother.

That's the beginning.......Even before the house hunt begins! Then the journey continues once the home is found, offer is made and accepted and you begin the Escrow process......who WOULDN'T want a friend and REALTOR (like me!) to assist them!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Estrella Mountain Ranch

We are coming up on our 3rd Anniversery date of moving back to Arizona. Since we settled in Estrella Mountain Ranch in Goodyear so much has changed in this area. Where we once had only the Safeway Shopping Center and our little Market and Gas station up here, commerce has come and is filling in our city.

Thats a good thing! The other good thing that our neighbors will agree with is the little extra time it takes to travel to our community each day is well worth it. For example, last night driving home from a movie on the freeway we noticed that when we moved here Litchfield Road pretty much was it for lights until the Buckeye we see a thriving area. But the good news was that Estrella is still not visible from the I-10 freeway! I think that is what we all love about our hidden community. Estrella is growing up, 3 shopping areas are already planned and we even have our first traffic light! The teenagers refer to it as the Estrella "Bubble" which does makes sense since we like to stay in our own little world at times, but I can happily say that after 3 years I am so glad we chose this "Bubble."

Friday, July 18, 2008

Great Deals in Real Estate

So everyone wants a "Great Deal" so they say......

Some of my clients tell me they want a great deal......I begin the search for them. Where? How big? What schools? How soon do you need to move, what amenities, etc. Given our current market with a glut of inventory in the Phoenix area it is usually not a problem. Due to the misfortune of others who purchased homes a couple of years ago with loans they knew they probably shouldn't we can find homes loaded with goodies for thousands to hundreds of thousands less than they sold for 2 years ago!

My point is that in the community of Estrella in Goodyear, AZ, two years ago if a home was listed under 300k it must have been a typo. Today we have around 25 homes under 200k on the market in just this community! Last week a home listed for 105k! Foreclosure on a home less than 2 years old........great neighborhood, 3 car garage..........but stripped to the gills. Seriously, floors, cabinets, doors, toilets, tubs.....gone. It had an offer within 2 days I believe. That home was obviously for someone with the time and resources to put humpty dumpty back together again. But if someone has the gumption to take a paint brush in hand and order carpet from the local home store MANY, MANY other bargains are just waiting to have a new owner. A few of the foreclosures look like what you would expect.....derelict and depressed.....needing lots of work, but most of them just need a little love! The bargains are out there and your Realtor knows how to help. They may not have every upgrade you want, but that can be the fun of home ownership.....personalizing to your taste!

I find great satisfaction in helping someone locate and buy their home. Most clients understand that the price of a home has been set up with a Competitive Market Analysis and the knowledge of location. True it is a Buyers' Market and concessions in price, closing cost assistance, and other amenities may be asked for. But when it comes to "the deal" it is sometimes a better question to ask if the home fits "my criteria" of wants and needs.....and not just the lowest price on the block!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hokey Pokey

What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?

Monday, July 14, 2008

A Cloud Forms in the Desert

So recently the kids (young adults) have noticed how excited people get here about clouds forming.

Well, it IS the celebrated Monsoon season here in the Valley of the Sun. Growing up in Southern California clouds were a daily fact for them. Morning fog, burn off.......head to the beach if you can. Here, it is all beach, (which is the logic I tried to use when we moved here........."It's ALL sandy beach here Mary, just no ocean"....she still isn't buying.........) Again, all beach and all sun.

After a few weeks of blazing hot "dry" heat, we desert rats look forward to our summer storms. As the clouds begin building up around the perimeter of the valley we hope and pray they blow over our area of town. Mostly we get huffs and puffs and a lot of wind, lightning and thunder. But on occasion we are blessed with a downpour. The backyard looks like spring has returned with just one evening of rain! All the trees and plants perked up and birds and butterflies are flitting through the yard. Yesterday a turkey vulture blocked the sun as it came passing by looking for good eats even. This morning the temperature felt like the high 70's with a breeze! Glorious! I quickly jumped at the chance to be in the yard figuring it may be September or October when it feels like this again. Back to the storms, I admit I even have the National Weather Service Radar Website as a favorite on my computer so I can watch the summer storms form and which direction they are headed! Afternoon storms are wonderful, if you aren't in traffic.......but the night skies as they light up are amazing. Layers upon layers of multicolored light shows. It really is beautiful.

I love being back in the desert, which comes with a great appreciation for rain showers, but the jewels of the desert skies are the clouds!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Estrella Resident Realtor

Estrella, Estrella Mountain Ranch, Mountain Ranch at Estrella, Montecito at Estrella, all names for our community in Goodyear, AZ. Whatever you may call it, some of us call it home.

As many of you know in our current Real Estate Market many of the homes for sale are either "Short Sales" or "Bank Owned" (REO, Lender Owned, Corporate Owned) but "Traditional" resales are out there as well. (owner owned so to speak) As the great deals abound due to others misfortunes, my recommendation to anyone is........when looking for a home in a specific area, use a RESIDENT Realtor! Someone who knows that particular community, who enjoys living and playing there. Just because an agents card may say they are a specialist in that area, don't assume anything. Ask questions! A good resident agent will know about the HOA, any community assessments that may be on certain properties, schools, shopping, etc. So many homes are now on the market that are being represented by Agents who are just listing the homes for the banks. They have no idea about the city, community or even the house! Some have never even driven past the home they are listing! Ask specific questions when interviewing the agent that will be representing you on your next listing or purchase. What is the parking policy? Is parking overnight on the street ok? What about landscaping rules, are there any? Can we have an RV on our property? How many pets are allowed? Pool fencing laws? Curfew for teens? Where are the schools my children will attend? Is there 24 hour security patrols in the neighborhood? Community pools and clubhouse, who gets to use them? Especially if you are paying HOA fees, find out what you get for your money.

Just a little information that may help you avoid some mistakes! If it comes to buying or selling a home in Goodyear, AZ or Estrella, look no further......I'm your Resident Realtor!

Monday, July 7, 2008

The "Good" about Goodyear, AZ

So what's so good about Goodyear?

Ask 10 people and you will get 10 different answers I'm sure.
As for me, it was the progressive thinking and planning from the Goodyear City Government.

After living in Southern California for 21 years we had become accustomed to a different pace. Orange County had quite a progressive and "upscale" feel to it and when returning to AZ we felt as though we had gone back in time where certain areas of the Valley of the Sun had not changed since 1984. Many changes HAVE occurred for the better don't get me wrong! Of course too, the north east side of the Valley still has the "allure" that dictates high Real Estate prices, but not everyone wants to live on the east side! So when we found Goodyear it just felt like a good fit....for us. As Goodyear is building out......especially with homes......the local city council knows it must attract business to keep the area vital and growing. As our city grows, planning and zoning are of the utmost importance in attracting new business and tourism. Kudos to the city council for attracting the Cincinnati Reds and Cleveland Indian Ball Clubs for a new spring training facility! Macy's, Amazon, multiple golf courses, Medical Centers and too many others to list. Also, the largest Mall in AZ will be joining our turf in a year or so. "Estrella" (my digs) is a nationally recognized Master Planned Community as well as our "Pebble Creek" Active Adult community.

Goodyear recently has received two prestigious national awards. "Most Livable City Outstanding Achievement Award" by the U.S. Conference of Mayors for its vision and successful recruitment of private universities and also an "All American City Award" by the National Civic League.

So, for our family Goodyear was a good fit! Housing options, education options and employment options grow daily, and the city planners are working diligently to make sure our quality of life continues to evolve in a positive way.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday America

Yesterday no blog, due to the fact that I was driving all over the state to "Ceil the Deal" for some clients so they can move into their new home!

Ahhh July 4th....
"Our country may be likened to a new house. We lack many things, but we possess the most precious of all----liberty!" James Monroe

What's your July 4th first memory?
Mine is all of us Pelletier kids piling into the family station wagon and heading for Pecks Lake in Clarkdale, AZ. Cars lined the edges of the lake from all over the Verde Valley. Kids running around the cars playing around until darkness settled in and the OOOO's and AHHH's began. As we got older we were able to sit on our rooftop at home to watch. What a treat that was, a bowl of popcorn and sitting on the roof.

As an citizen and patriot of this free nation I grew up in a family that served our community, and country. Whether it was through scouting programs, community service to the elderly, VFW, American Legion or the sacrifice of committing years into Military Service. My Dad is Navy, through and through, many of my Uncles as well. My 2 older brothers served during Vietnam, 1 in the Navy and 1 in the Army, my husband of 31 years served in the Army as well during Vietnam. Our future Son in Law recently finished his 2 tours in Iraq as a Marine Sgt. Today whenever I see a Vet, active or retired I thank them for their service. So many are forgotten, but not by me. Sounds like I am rambling as though it is Veterans Day.........I'm not, just reflecting that without our brave men and women in service, we would not have our Liberty and Freedom and the ABILITY to celebrate our Nation's Birthday!

So here is a little History trivia for you today....
What do the colors of the American Flag stand for?

Red - Hardiness and Valour
The spilled blood of our Patriots
White -Purity and Innocence
Blue - Vigilance, Perseverance, Justice

Today go forth, eat, drink, wear red, white and blue, watch fireworks and ask yourself.....
Am I a Patriot? What do I do for my country?

Perhaps this is the year you will make a stand for your nation, no matter what the cause, no matter how small.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's a Good day in Goodyear!

So why did we choose Goodyear when we came back to AZ?

We searched the entire valley. Literally. From Carefree, to Gilbert. Vistancia to Verrado. When we left the Valley of the Sun in 1984 Goodyear was basically farming and a regional park on Buckeye road (which by the way was the main road to Cali at the time!) The 1-10 east of the Gila Bend turn off didn't even exist! (no 101,202,303,51, etc) After quite a few trips over to find our new home we didn't have any real success. Of course it was July of '05 and prices were stupid high. Finally on one of our unsuccessful trips as we headed back to So Cal we found "Estrella Mountain Ranch!" First Dennis didn't think we should live that far removed from everything........."We can't bring the kids this far out".......


when we got to the top of the hill, saw Lakes and Lawns! Trees and hills! Blues and Greens! What was NOT to love. (I think I heard harps playing in my head) We sat across the lake at the home finding center at sunset. As the sun lowered itself over the surrounding purple hills, the sky lit up with oranges, pinks and blues reflecting over the lake........then faded to various shades from light blue to dark blue and STARS began popping out everywhere. From across the lake we could see Starpointe, the Residence Center lighting up and looking like a 5 Star Resort.

Done, decision made, this was to be our new home! It has almost been 3 years for us now. I am so happy to be back in my home state. I fell in love with our community of Estrella and our town of Goodyear so much I got my Real Estate License! Now I can share this lifestyle with others and help make their dreams come true as well!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

And on we go.......

I've been told blogging is the way to go........gotta blog, gotta blog.

Friends, family, Real Estate, teenagers, marriage, upcoming daughter's wedding, good grief, where to begin?
For years my friends and family have encouraged me to write. So to all (or any) of you that may read this hang on for random postings as I am sure my mood will dictate the direction of the topics!

Cheers! (hmm...must be Miller Time)